To harness its “magic,” very healthy and nutritious quail eggs should be consumed raw.
You can read more about their medicinal properties, storage, and usage on the “quail eggs” page, and we offer you a few tastier meal options with this ingredient.
If you find a raw egg a bit “slimy,” it’s best to beat it first with a fork, as if you were planning to make an omelet, and then drink this homogeneous mixture in a few sips. This “purest” option is also the most recommended.
Many people mix the egg with a little honey or sugar, creating a mixture similar to cake batter.
If you’re a fan of dairy beverages, like frappes, you can blend quail eggs, a teaspoon of honey, and two deciliters of milk in a blender, enriching the taste with cinnamon.
Eggs can also be an ingredient in a refreshing smoothie or a vitamin bomb. Half a lemon, an orange, a whole kiwi, a tablespoon of milk, and a teaspoon of honey can be blended with eggs using a blender or mixer, creating a complete meal.
You can combine fruit with some other ingredients as well, so we recommend trying a combination with a glass of milk, a few teaspoons of honey to taste, and a banana.
All of these mixes, and perhaps some you’ll discover on your own, should be consumed half an hour before breakfast.